The Class of '65 celebrated the groundbreaking of the Plaza of Heroes at the Heritage Trail on May 15, 2015.
Once completed, the Plaza of Heroes will serve as a memorial to USAFA graduates who were awarded the Medal of Honor (MoH), AF Cross and Silver Star in Southeast Asia (SEA). It is intended to complement the existing SEA Memorial Pavilion and will serve as an outdoor space for small, solemn events (pin-ons, retirements, and possibly academic classes) which will serve as a draw for people (including the public) to view the accomplishment of AFA grads in the SEA conflict.
"We're excited about the groundbreaking," said Dick Schlosberg '65. "The Class of ’65 is grateful for the opportunity to make this memorial possible – in hopes it will be a vivid legacy of those who excelled in combat. We wouldn't be in this position without the support of our classmates and the support of the USAFA Endowment – we owe them all a debt of gratitude."